The Chesapeake Chapter of NAVHDA provides training sessions monthly from March through September where members assist each other in training their hunting dogs. We are fortunate to have several experienced dog trainers in the Chapter, and they are very willing to help you learn how to train your dog. We typically hold tests twice each year. Most training sessions and tests will be held at 9609 Kings Highway, Montross VA 22520. These facilities include venues for simultaneous training (field and water), and are handicap accessible. The Chapter has organizational meetings twice each year that are open to all members. Many members are avid hunters and enjoy hunting their favorite wild game together.
Natural Ability (NA), Utility Test, (UT), and Utility Prep Tests (UPT) are scheduled in the spring and fall. Test cost is $175 for NA and $200 for UT/UPT. For Junior Handlers, NAVHDA International will reimburse 75% of the fee. The Chesapeake Chapter will cover the remaining 25%. Applications with payment should be sent to Chesapeake Chapter care of Daphne Gray, 9609 Kings Highway, Montross, VA 22520. All dogs must be registered with NAVHDA to be eligible for the test. To download a test entry form, click on Membership and follow the link.